More Meaningful Land Acknowledgements: Game Changers Session

We all have the collective responsibility to decide how we care for, share and use the land. In the immediate future, we may not be able to reverse the process of having a piece of paper tell us who owns that specific square footage of land, but we can decide and take action on how we use that land. Can we find ways to create space for Indigenous People within our buildings? Or is every square inch imperative to making money? Is naming a nation we don’t know how to say in our land acknowledgment enough? Do we have a relationship with the earth below our feet? Or is it
far too deep beyond the concrete and steel?

– Lindy Kinoshameg
In February 2020, volunteer managers from non-profits across the city came together for the Game Changers conference co-hosted by Volunteer Toronto and the Toronto Association of Volunteer Administrators. We were joined by Lindy Kinoshameg, a proud Odawa from the Pike clan who was raised in Wiikwemkoong Unceeded First Nation.

As part of Lindy's session, volunteer managers wrote post-it notes sharing how they personally and professionally can meaningfully acknowledge the land and Indigenous Peoples.
Lindy led a virtual land acknowledgement session where he challenged attendees to dive deeper into how they're protecting our land and strengthening their connection to Indigenous Peoples.
Want to learn more? Read about INDIGENizeUS Workshops, professional development training designed by Lindy Kinoshameg and Leslie McCue through the Young People's Theatre.